A Friendly community where all are welcome!

Spreading the Gospel: Gathering, Learning, Serving

We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19


– Gospel centered Traditional Worship with communion

– LiveStream and in-person: 9:30 AM
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Of course, you may also mail your check, payable to Redeemer Lutheran Church to:

Redeemer Lutheran Church
2100 York Rd.
Jamison, PA 18929

Rest assured that whatever way you donate, you are enabling Redeemer to continue the mission that Christ has given us. Bless you.
Pastor Nathan Krause

Easter has been a baptismal season at Redeemer. And this is reason to celebrate.

However, for years we have seen statisticians present us with the decline in numbers of people regularly attending church worship on Sundays. Year after year since the 1950’s the percentage of America’s population regularly attending church is dwindling. Some of those graphs they present to us are startling in what they say. One that sticks in my mind showed the

decline year after year ending in 2050 where it is projected that church attendance will be close to “0”.

I’m sorry. I don’t buy it.

There will ALWAYS be people of faith attending worship and service projects. I believe that at some point the decline will level off and plateau. I even think that it is going to start rising again. It might take 50 or 100 years, but this is my belief. The thing that won’t survive is all congregations. 

Take any company that has stores all over the country. There is a time of expansion, and then there is a time of retraction. Sometimes it is because of mismanagement, misbranding, or mistakes by choices made that turned the public off. Now, the church isn’t a company, and we aren’t a “business,” but there are still influences that affect how our message can get out to the masses. Some congregations will need to close, and some will need to open in the same spot, or down the street, with a better contextual focus. But the church will survive.

Just like in baptism, something needs to die in order for something else to be resurrected.

By the end of the Easter season, Redeemer will have had 9 babies baptized and we have two, possibly three, more by the end of July. What an amazing blessing!

We didn’t plan it that way. Sometimes there are plans to have groups baptized together and there are some traditions that say baptisms should happen on certain days, like Easter Vigil. But it is my philosophy that baptism is the thing, and we should jump to be blessed by it as a community! (That’s why, in the past, we have had baptisms even during Lent. Every Sunday is a “little Easter” after all.)

But this year I am thrilled because it really brings a sense of life to the church. Children’s sounds, laughs, cries, contribution to the children’s sermon (on purpose or accidently), and even the occasionally well-timed “AMEN!”

It is also important because it helps us keep perspective. Since I have taken a larger role working with other SEPA Lower Bucks Conference churches I have seen a wide variety of congregations in different places. But the signs of life being felt in Redeemer’s sanctuary when all those kids are present, especially on Sunday School Sundays, is cause for great optimism.

What these recent baptisms at Redeemer tell us is that there are still people in this world who want to know Jesus and the Gospel message he preached. And that they want their children to grow up with a knowledge of Jesus’ saving grace. We have been faithfully preaching the gospel and helping people have a relationship with God and each other. That is what we are called to and that is our mission. We will stay faithful to this mission.

I believe that because we constantly re-evaluate how we fulfill this mission, and adjust to the needs of the community, we will always have a place in Jamison. We will continue to be the church until 2050, and beyond. 

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